Wednesday, September 30, 2009

2nd draft Company

Cooper Feltes
English 8
Mr. Salsich

Hosting 101:
A thought on the hosting is shown in both my life and To Kill a Mocking Bird

TS Hosting guests has always been one of the ultimate ways to show your friendship, but every once in a while, the host/hostess forgets that everyone does things a little differently.CM This is shown in To Kill a Mocking Bird when Scout yells at her classmate Walter for pouring molasses all over his meat. She forgets that even though she doesn’t like Walter, she still needs to be a hostess and respect what he does .CS hosting guests seems to be a new experience for Scout

Topic of paragraph: House guests
SD: Scout wasn’t showing respect
CM: Scout found it disgusting and exclaimed it.
CM: Scout wasn’t prepared for it, and didn’t know how to react
SD: Scout didn’t think Walter would come in the first place
CM: She’s now, after going to school, entering the adult world
CM: She wasn’t prepared for what was to

TS Scout was pulled into the kitchen by her housekeeper Calpurnia after Scout yelled at Walter. SD Scout wasn’t showing respect towards Walter when he poured molasses on his meat. CM When he did this, Scout made it very clear how disgusting she thought it was by yelling at him.CM Scout wasn’t even prepared to have him over, and was a little mad and frustrated that Jem had invited him, which to me and probably Calpurnia, is the reason that she was so hostile. SD Scout didn’t think Walter would even accept Jem’s invitation in the first place. CM Scout’s outbreak shows that she, by starting school, is entering another stage of childhood, distant from the safe haven of early adolescence. She wasn’t prepared for him to come over, but, to add on to that, she wasn’t at all ready for his seemingly harmless action. Calpurnia had every right to pull her into the kitchen and smack her.

Topic of paragraph: guests in my life
SD: I struggle having family over
CM: keeping cousins entertained
CM: more stressful thinking about it
SD: struggle with people who stay longer
CM: hard to be polite
CM: hard when they talk about boring things

TS My life also boasts some interesting experiences with house guests. SD I especially struggle when family comes to my house. CM Since I have two small cousins, my task is to keep them entertained while the adults sip their wine and tell funny stories. CM I’m exaggerating, but the thought of it is worse than it usually ends up being. SD I also brawl with people who insist on staying hours past everyone else. CM For one, it’s hard to be polite and tell people that they really should get going. CM It’s especially a struggle when they don’t stop talking about something that doesn’t interest you in the slightest. CS Although having guests have their disadvantages, it usually ends up being a worthwhile experience.

TS Although Scout is young, she seems to misunderstand that even though she didn’t like Walter, he was still their guest and needed to be treated as such.CM Calpurnia made it very clear that she was doing things wrong when Scout yelled at Walter for pouring molasses over his meat. CM hopefully Cal taught Scout a lesson about house guests after she slapped her and made Scout eat in the kitchen. CS Although still young, Scout should have known better, and I know next time Walter and Scout meet, there will be lots of apologizing.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Cooper Feltes

English 8

Mr. Salsich

27 September, 2009


A Look at How Respect is a Common Theme in To Kill A Mocking Bird

(TS) For many, respect is a very important thing. (CM) It lets people know that you care enough to not lessen a statement by criticizing it in a demeaning way, or acting violently against it. (CM) When respect is given or received, it shows the ultimate form of civility.(CS) Respect, along with money, is what makes chapter two in To Kill A Mocking Bird, and the world go round.

(TS)There are lots of different ways that characters show respect in To Kill a Mocking Bird. (SD) In the beginning, respect for elders is especially shown. (CM) Even when Scout, the narrator of the story, was yelled at by her teacher, she didn’t yell back, and sat quietly back down.(CM) Also, when she was talking to the Cunningham boy, he knew it would be disrespectful to not agree with the teacher. (SD) Respect for one’s duties explains itself well in the middle of the chapter. (CM) When Atticus, Scout’s and Jem’s father, helped the Cunninghams with a legal dispute, the Cunninghams couldn’t pay them with money, so they paid him with vegetables, a basket of holly on Christmas, and other small things. (CM) Instead of not paying Atticus, the Cunninghams had enough respect for him that they paid him in ways other than money. (SD) Also, Scout showed a lot of respect toward Jem and his privacy. (CM)When Jem asked Scout to not mention anything that goes on at home in school, scout respected it and went on to class. (CM) She also shows respect toward him when she said she had never questioned any statements of his before, when he mentioned her teacher’s fresh way of teaching kids. (CS) Respect demonstrates itself as a dominant theme in this chapter.

(TS) Many people, including me, live off of respect towards and from one another. If people were not respected and we didn’t respect people, the world would be a very hostile place.(CM) I try my best to respect people around me because I know that nine times out of ten, they will respect me back.(CM) Many say "treat other as you wish to be treated", and I could not agree more. (SD) Fighting invites itself into our lives almost every day. (CM) People, groups, organizations, and countries get into fights with each other all the time. (CM) If the people and countries would respect what others are doing, there would be no fighting or war. (SD) Respect for your elders is an easier kind of respect to have. (CM) I never get into fights with my parents or any other adults because I know they have more knowledge and experience than I do. (CM) I always try to put myself in their shoes when I get angry with them so I can almost feel what it’s like fighting with a teenager.(CS) Until we gain respect for others, no peace can come from anywhere.

(TS) Respect is a food that powers peace. (CM) Wars, fights, and feuds start when something is done that someone else doesn't like. (CM) If everybody learned to respect each other's way of thinking then there would be no need for fighting or fussing.(CS) When you get in a fight, put your self into your enemies' shoes, and try to see their side of the battle to learn to respect what they are fighting for.

challenges FINAL DRAFT

Cooper Feltes

English 8

Mr. Salsich

27 September, 2009


A look upon how challenges expose themselves in chapter one of To Kill A Mockingbird.

Challenges are a healthy part of everyday life. Challenges give us something to show ourselves what we're capable of, but when other people give us challenges, our reputation comes into play, and to make ourselves look good, we usually tend to accept challenges that we don’t necessarily want to perform. Challenges shouldn’t be accepted if you don’t want to perform them.

(TS)If you are given a dare that is not something that you want to do, simply don’t do it.(SD) A dare can be a very scary or benefiting thing.(CM) In the book To Kill a Mocking Bird, the character Jem is dared by his new friend Dill to go onto the property of a ghost.(CM) Afraid of getting killed by this phantom, Jem reluctantly snuck onto the property.(SD) Jem, before this event, had usually never shown reluctance to a dare.(CM) To keep up his reputation, he felt he had to do it.(CM) The only time he had shown unwillingness towards a challenge was when he jumped off the roof, and was afraid of dying.(SD) Dill should have put himself in Jem's shoes. (CM)Dill shouldn’t have given the dare because he probably wouldn’t have done it himself. (CM) Not having the guts to do it himself makes him a coward. Jem shouldn’t have performed a dare that supposedly put his life at risk.

Challenges show up in my life all over the place. School troubles especially give me difficulty. I am pushed to do better but I don’t see much improvement in my grades. I want to do better in school but there’s just too many things to handle like memorization, studying, sports, home work, test prep, quizzes, tests, worksheets, friends, family and hundreds of smaller problems that add to the struggle. Challenges with friends also pose somewhat of a challenge. I am at the time where I am finding out who my friends are, and I lucky enough I have those few friends that help me through the process. I also have a lot of challenges when it comes to family. My parents have been divorced since I was 2, and travelling between their houses has been hard. But through all I’ve been in, I love them both just as much. But through all the challenges that I face, I have learned to be smart about making choices to meet the goals to solve them.

Challenges come up very often in To Kill a Mocking Bird. Whether you’re on the sports field or in the classroom, challenges tend to show up around every corner. Challenges that we accept must be accomplished with pure will-power. Although accepting challenges make us look good, when the time comes to perform them, most tasks are much harder said than done.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

just One

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey.
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true,

One life can make a difference,
You see, it's up to you!

the victor

The Victor
Poet: C.W. Longnecker

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t
If you like to win but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You’ve got to think high to rise.
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win the prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.