Sunday, September 27, 2009


Cooper Feltes

English 8

Mr. Salsich

27 September, 2009


A Look at How Respect is a Common Theme in To Kill A Mocking Bird

(TS) For many, respect is a very important thing. (CM) It lets people know that you care enough to not lessen a statement by criticizing it in a demeaning way, or acting violently against it. (CM) When respect is given or received, it shows the ultimate form of civility.(CS) Respect, along with money, is what makes chapter two in To Kill A Mocking Bird, and the world go round.

(TS)There are lots of different ways that characters show respect in To Kill a Mocking Bird. (SD) In the beginning, respect for elders is especially shown. (CM) Even when Scout, the narrator of the story, was yelled at by her teacher, she didn’t yell back, and sat quietly back down.(CM) Also, when she was talking to the Cunningham boy, he knew it would be disrespectful to not agree with the teacher. (SD) Respect for one’s duties explains itself well in the middle of the chapter. (CM) When Atticus, Scout’s and Jem’s father, helped the Cunninghams with a legal dispute, the Cunninghams couldn’t pay them with money, so they paid him with vegetables, a basket of holly on Christmas, and other small things. (CM) Instead of not paying Atticus, the Cunninghams had enough respect for him that they paid him in ways other than money. (SD) Also, Scout showed a lot of respect toward Jem and his privacy. (CM)When Jem asked Scout to not mention anything that goes on at home in school, scout respected it and went on to class. (CM) She also shows respect toward him when she said she had never questioned any statements of his before, when he mentioned her teacher’s fresh way of teaching kids. (CS) Respect demonstrates itself as a dominant theme in this chapter.

(TS) Many people, including me, live off of respect towards and from one another. If people were not respected and we didn’t respect people, the world would be a very hostile place.(CM) I try my best to respect people around me because I know that nine times out of ten, they will respect me back.(CM) Many say "treat other as you wish to be treated", and I could not agree more. (SD) Fighting invites itself into our lives almost every day. (CM) People, groups, organizations, and countries get into fights with each other all the time. (CM) If the people and countries would respect what others are doing, there would be no fighting or war. (SD) Respect for your elders is an easier kind of respect to have. (CM) I never get into fights with my parents or any other adults because I know they have more knowledge and experience than I do. (CM) I always try to put myself in their shoes when I get angry with them so I can almost feel what it’s like fighting with a teenager.(CS) Until we gain respect for others, no peace can come from anywhere.

(TS) Respect is a food that powers peace. (CM) Wars, fights, and feuds start when something is done that someone else doesn't like. (CM) If everybody learned to respect each other's way of thinking then there would be no need for fighting or fussing.(CS) When you get in a fight, put your self into your enemies' shoes, and try to see their side of the battle to learn to respect what they are fighting for.

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