Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Essay #12

Cooper Feltes
English 9
Mr. Salsich
January 25, 2011

The Connection of Old Memories to New Ones

          TS Life is one giant circle. CM At no point in the process of life does one thing start without ending, give without taking, or challenge without rewarding. CM The circle of life closes all doors that are opened and makes sure that it returns to all creatures what it took from them. CS In Tale of Two Cities and my life, the world curves itself to reconnect old memories to new ones and to make experiences whole.

          TS In Tale of Two Cities, many themes have been reoccurring to bring the story together. SD One of these themes is colors, namely the color red. CM The red wine or the blood that Dickens uses again and agian returns whenever something like La Guillotine, murderous and brutal, unrelenting and catastrophic, forceful and devilish, a killer and a butcher,  is mentioned or whenever it is in use (parallelism/cumulative sentence). CM The use of red throughout the book usually refers to death or pain, as people "turn to blood." SD The evil that people commit   keeps the reader reminded of the suffering of the French people. CM The torturous prosecution of innocent Charles shows the relentless(FAST) mindset of the revolutionaries. CM A little earlier in the book, we saw the unrelenting attitude of the Marqui as he ran over a small child, worrying more of his horses than of the little child. SD Another reoccurring theme is short, happy scenes. CM One of these happy moments includes Charles temporarily reuniting with Lucie. CM Only for a few hours was he able to be in her presence before three men came to capture him again, quickly ending the happy scene. CS Many of these themes repeat themselves again and again to reconnect memories of past chapters to make a circle in the book.

            TS Circles not only are prevalent in many books, but they also are common in my life. SD The tides of my life are in  constant motion, my spirits lifting and falling again, in an unending tidal movement. CM When I am feeling sad, my brain recollects moment in my past when I was feeling down to sow my memories into a circle. CM When I am feeling happy, similarly, my brain falls back on other times when I was happy in the past. SD Liveliness(FAST) also reoccurs often in my life. CM When I am upbeat and smiling, other people tend to feel the same way, and subsequently people they see later in the day feel similarly. CM When I am feeling down, the smile of another person, that may have originated from the smile I gave to someone earlier, creates a never-ending circle of smiles that ripples throughout the world. SD On the other hand, pain is something that digs up old memories of past struggles. CM Only when I am struggling in life do I recall these memories.CM When pain is halted, and comfortable living resumes, these memories, memories of misfortune, of mourning, of depression, and of distress (alliteration) are packed up again in my box of memories, only to be opened again when I am struggling and in need of them(parallelism/cumulative sentence). CS These repeating themes that recall memories in my past help me get through life.

             TS Circles in the world are everywhere. CM These circles sow together the stitches of memories, and tie together experiences. CM The connections we make with past experiences keep these memories alive, and let our past be remembered, where as otherwise, they would be forgotten. CS These ties keep the past alive, and help create a perfect circle connecting our past and our present.

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