Sunday, March 7, 2010

Essay #17

Cooper Feltes

English 8
Mr. Salsich
March 5, 2010

Ladies and Gentleman:
An Essay Regarding the Discussion of Ladies and Gentleman

    (TS-Multiple sentences)Yes. It is possible. Many people have done it, yet few have mastered it.(CM) To become a gentleman, like Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird, one must remember the gentleman's core values; Gentleman sit up straight. Gentleman are not slobs, and gentleman shall do anything to make a lady's easier.(CM) A lady coexists with gentleman, and learns to compliment a man's giving personality. Ladies and gentleman are some of the most generous and kind humans around.

  (TS) The rules to be a gentleman say gentleman sit up straight, gentleman are not slobs, gentleman shall do anything to make a lady's day run with more ease (anaphora). (SD)Gentleman who follow these commandments, are respected by all of society.(CM) The respectful attitude of a well bred gentleman is usually exposed when a woman need to easily access a walkway, blocked by pesky doors.(CM) It can also be seen when housework needs to be done and a muscle is in short supply.(SD) My dad is a gentleman, one who happens to follow these commandments.(CM) He will stop at no limits to ease the stress of anyone's day.(CM) He always puts the needs of others before his own.(SD) It is encouraging to me when I see a man do something nice for anyone.(CM) it makes me feel as though I can be helpful as well. (CM) Yet, without gentlemen, there would be no opportunity or reason for women to be ladies. (SD) A good "lady" must accept these nice actions, like a man holding a chair out for her(S-V split), with grace and a positive attitude.(CM) A great lady may suffer through a lot, but supports her cordial attitude and remains a good lady (yes there is one commentary purposefully).(CS) No matter what, it is a good thing to do good things, and to accept those things graciously.

    (TS)In To Kill a Mockingbird, the characters express themselves as sophisticated and gracious ladies and gentleman.(SD) Atticus is training his son to be a good gentleman by example.(CM) Atticus is respectful to everyone he meets. (CM)He most likely hopes one day his son will follow in his steps and do the same. (SD)While Scout and Jem were walking across Ms. Dubose's yard, Scout shouts "hey Ms. Dubose!".(CM) Mrs Dubose yells back at her "Don't you say 'hey' to me young lady, you say 'good afternoon Ms. Dubose!'".(CM) Atticus decides to take the weight of of the children's shoulders by complimenting her flowers and giving her a proper greeting.(extra commentary) Mrs. Dubose highly respected Atticus, not giving him a harsh comeback, sensing his confidence (another commandment of a gentleman), and absorbing compliments about the things she loves most dearly(loose sentence).(SD) Nothing can define a lady more than getting together with other women.(CM) At a gathering of women that was held in Atticus' home, Mrs. Mudie, Aunt Alexandria, and many others showed off their lady-like abilities to Scout. (CM)Scout, the girl with the tom-boy attitude, refuses to give in(S-V split), yet is still sensitive to her aunt's expectations. (CS)The expectations of ladies and gentleman are very high, and it takes the best citizens to be ladies and gentleman.

    (TS) Gentleman and ladies are highly respected by all of society. (CM) Their generosity and thoughtfulness brightens a persons day. (CM) Ladies are best at cordially and graciously accepting a gentleman's generous actions. (CS) It takes the best of citizens to be ladies and gentleman.

Self assessment,

This entire essay took a lot of time to write. One sentence in particualar took about 10 minutes to write. This sentence was the final sentence of the essay. I ended up using part of the last sentence from the last body paragraph. I had a lot of errors and mistakes in the special requirements. These, thankfully, were fixed. I thought that the second body paragraph was the best part of my essay. It had many quotes which supported the main theme. I think the closing sentence of all paragraphs could be enhanced. These sentences seem to be the most challenging.


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