Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Essay #18

Cooper Feltes
English 8
Mr. Salsich
March 10, 2010

Cooper Feltes
English 8
Mr. Salsich
March 10, 2010

    Forgiveness is something every Human needs, and every person can give. However, if a person intends or succeeds to end a life purposefully, much like Bob Ewell did in To Kill a Mockingbird, they should not be forgiven. In the book, Bob Ewell sneaks up on Atticus' two children and attempts to attack them and kill them, yet he fails when Boo Radley saves the children and kills Bob Ewell in self defense. My life and To Kill a Mockingbird have people in them that need forgiveness.

    In To Kill a Mockingbird, the Ewell family has done many bad things that are seemingly unforgivable. The actions of Mayella Ewell, namely her lying in court and accusing Tom Robinson of something he didn't do, however, are forgivable. Mayella knew that if she didn't do her best to defend her side of the case, her father would take her home and beat her. If she did the right thing, there would be consequences. The actions of Bob Ewell, unlike Mayella, are unforgivable. I cannot think of one reason that anyone would ever think of forgiving him. It is questionable why he would even want Tom in jail, yet in the end, Bob lost his own life for nothing, leaving trails of hate for his children to inherit. Bob also committed another crime after he won his case. On their way home from a pageant, Scout and Jem were attacked by Bob. This just adds one more thing not to forgive him for. I can understand why Mayella made the mistake of lying in court, but Bob's actions are unforgivable.

    Everyone in the world needs forgiveness. The beauty of that fact is that everyone in the world can give it as well. It is uncommon that a person does something so horrific, so abominable, so appalling(thesaurus words and tricolon),  that it is impossible to forgive it. It must be accepted that things must be forgiven. If things weren’t forgiven, there would be an endless stream of grudges. I know from experience that grudges are hard to keep up. They take so much energy that after a while, a person gets tired and forgets. When I have done something wrong that is scolded, I tend to kick myself for it for months. I try to remember that if I can forgive and forget, then so can they. this helps me remember that they probably have forgotten about the indecent, and so should I. Forgiveness is something everyone can give, and something everyone needs.

    Forgive and Forget is a motto many people live by, yet only the kindest of hearts can truly achieve it. Though the kindes of hearts can forgive most things, murder, or at least an attempt at it, is unforgivable. As big a crime as murder is, most people never forget about their own mistakes. I try to forgive myself and forget my mistakes, for I believe that that will make me a better person

    I really did enjoy this essay. I loved writing about something I can relate to and something that I experience in everyday life. I really think I could have used more thesaurus words. When I saw how many words other students used, I realized how few I really used. I suppose I could get better at making stronger opening and closing sentences.  I would give this essay a solid B+


Anonymous said...

Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

Anonymous said...

Amiable post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.

Ryan Duguay said...

I really like the how you blended your thesaurus words and tricolon! The sentence flows very well, and I would like to see more of that. Although this is great, I think that you should proof read this. On the last sentence of your first paragraph, there is something that I find unclear. Also, I think that you should make the first sentence of the first body paragraph stronger. I like what your saying, but I think that a short, to the point, sentence would make the paragraph more catching.