Friday, October 9, 2009

4th essay education


English 8

Mr. Salsich

October 7, 2009

Everyone Needs an Education:

A View About How Education Exposes Itself in To Kill a Mockingbird

It isn’t until about seventh grade that I saw how important education was to any person. Before seventh grade, I really did think that my parents were trying to torture me with this joke they call school. But since then, I try to appreciate what education leads to. Atticus seems to feel the same way I do.

TS Atticus has different views towards education than the schools do. SD During Scout’s life, Atticus has taught Scout how to read, and Calpurnia, Atticus’s Knowledgeable housekeeper (S-V split), has taught her how to write. CM The school Scout goes to doesn’t agree with the fact that she can read. CM The curriculum doesn’t want the kids to start to read and write until they enter 3rd grade. SD After Scout figures this out, she really repels the idea of going to school again. CM After Atticus hears about this, he makes a compromise with Scout, saying that he would still read and write with her, even though she wasn’t supposed to. CM After he told Scout why the Ewells kids didn’t have to go to school, Scout started to open up to going to school again. SD I would be very proud to be as good a father as Atticus is. CM I’m sure Atticus be happy to teach Scout himself if he didn’t have to work every day. CM He himself is an example of how well home schooling could work out. CS Atticus feels very strongly that Scout needs to go to school and disregard how everyone else lives their life.

TS Learning is a positive experience, but one that could be changed for the better. SD One change that could be made, from a student’s point of view, is more choices of how we go down our path. CM More medium and long term assignments should be given so that the student can work at his or her own pace. CM This can give the student better time management skills for use later on in life. SD If it's one thing that affects students its probably their teachers. CM An example of this is shown by Scout’s teacher, who doesn’t appreciate the fact that Scout can already read and write, making Scout think less of herself (participle closer). CM Because her teacher doesn’t appreciate Scout’s ability, the teacher is marked as a disappointment in her mind. SD Motivation is another important factor in a child’s learning experience. CM It is common that a child shows declining grades in school if his or her family is not supportive of them. CM A child’s friends along with family really help them through the years of education. CS If a child is not motivated, they feel as though they cannot accomplish the challenges proposed to them.

TS Imagine yourself 50 years from now. CM If you, as a child, take the path of no education, you probably aren’t seeing yourself driving fancy sports cars. CM Now imagine yourself with the best education you can think of. CS Yes, you worked hard for it and those successes as a child and young adult lead to more triumphs as a grown person.

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