Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cooper 6th essay

Mr. Salsich
8th grade English
October 21 2009

Glorious sway:
The Examination of the Simple Sway of a Descending Feather

TS: What does a swaying descent of a feather symbolize? CM A feather's fall represents the shift in characters, moods and actions. CM A quill's sway also shows a difference in place and time. CS feathers represent much more than just an object that came from a bird.

TS: The sway of a falling feather symbolizes the changes in attitude in many characters. SD:Scout's change in character is best displayed by the gentle flow of a feathers descent. CM When the Dill's influence on Jem comes into play, Jem exclaims She is "becoming more of a girl every day". CM Scout's search for friendship sends her from Dill and Jem, to Calpurnia, and even to Miss Maudie, the typical nice old lady across the street(appositive). SD Jem's shifting mindset is also best symbolized by the feather's graceful drop. CM Jem's entire character changes when Dill comes around every summer. CM He is more influenced to take risks, more influenced to mock his sister, and more influenced to do things that only lead to trouble(Anaphora). SD Atticus shifts the way he thinks throughout the previous chapters. CM Like a bear, Atticus is Lovely to be around when calm, but very dangerous he is when angry. CM He's good at bringing fights to an end and peacefully talking about compromises. CS Without gravity, the feather cannot fall; without air, the feather cannot sway; and without influence, nothing can change.

TS My life to is like a swaying feather. SD On a day to day basis, everyone's mood can change, much like a quill shifting from side to side. CM Friendships especially can be changed by moods. CM Until a friendship is irreversible, a oddly placed comment can sever the wing that has taken so long to learn to fly. SD The places I go every day are well represented by a floating feather. CM I have been going from my mother's house to my father's house trying, along with the feather, to find my stable place on the ground.CM When I'm at my mother's house, I'm driven 35 minutes to school, which is very inconvenient for her. SD Along with the changing patterns of a descending feather, my goals shift. CM My goals shift from academic, to personal, to social every day. CM Another example is how i tend to produce work of less quality because my personal feather is less focused on academic achievements. CS a feather's gentle flow shows more than just acts of gravity, it symbolizes many things if thought through enough.

TS The drift of a Quill shows the different types of changes in life. CM Changes in time, goals, and many other things are explained by the gentle flow of the peaceful feather. CM My life can be defined by this process of the descent. CS More than one thing in anyone's life has something to be showed by a feather's fall.

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