Wednesday, October 28, 2009

7th essay Fear

Mr. Salsich
8th grade English
October 28, 2009

The Fearful:

How Fear Corresponds to My Life

TS Fear is a universal threat to anything that lives and breathes. CM Without fear, we would lose the will to be smart and to make the world a better place, and without intelligence, what would become of us? CM A perfect, fearless world is a "man-eating unicorn", not only because it's not possible, but once we get there, we would kill our minds and create a brain with less capacity for excellence. CS Without fear, we would lose the integrity that defines each and every one of us.

TS Nothing that was ever created was made without a weakness or fear. SD If everybody was invulnerable we would lose the basic fabric of the Human experience. CM Although I would like to think I am, no one is completely resilient. CM Everyone has a weakness that can be used against them, much like kryptonite can be used against Superman. SD Although I would prefer not mention my greatest fear, one of my smaller ones is total silence in houses. CM A vacuum of sound creates a seemingly creepy atmosphere that terrifies me. CM My imagination creates an image of what could be around that corner or on the other side of that door. SD A fear that is common can be used in mass effect. CM Some governments use what many people fear, death, as a threat to keep citizens doing things their way. CM Modern day terrorists strike fright into their observers by killing victims and gaining power through fear. CS Everyone is scared of something, but it takes a very cruel person to find that weakness and use it against them.

TS The scariest times of my life came when I was young. SD One event that scared me was a book about disasters I received when I was 7 years old. CM After I spent around two hours reading it, I started to have nightmares about the world ending. CM I was able to overcome these fears when I was nine, and learned that the chances of my dreams coming true were remarkably small . SD Another scary time for me, was when I went to Venezuela around the time of my eighth birthday. CM It was my first time out of the U.S., and I was afraid of what could happen if I was left alone. CM This fear was realized when I thought my parents abandoned me while they were only having a drink down in the bar of the hotel. SD While these events were plenty scary, there was only one time when I was scared that I could loose my life. CM This event happened on September 11, 2001, and rung a catastrophic echo throughout the world. CM Although I cannot remember how things happened, I was scared for my life and extremely fearful of what could happen next. CS Every event that has scared me has only made me a stronger. 

TS The "human experience" would become much more dull if fear were non-existent. CM Staying alert and being aware of our weaknesses is what our brains are wired to do. CM If the "man eating unicorn" world were ever reached, that vital instinct would be lost.CS  Fear is the omnipresent power that unleashed loads of stress, anxiety, horror, and panic to sculpt every one of us into who we are today.

1 comment:

Ryan Duguay said...

Cooper, I really like how you say that life would be more dull if there was no fear. Something I think you should change is your second chunk in the second paragraph; you went from fear of silence to fear of a vacuum sound. Although I think your CS in the third paragraph is strong, I think that you can make it even stronger.