Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Essay #2 secrets

Cooper Feltes
English 9
Mr. Salsich
September 22, 2010
Mysteries and Secrets:
An Essay Describing the Secrets Inside Every Person

                (TS) Inside of every person are hundreds of mysteries and secrets. (CM) A person’s secrets are part of the essence of what defines them as a human being. (CM) If a person had absolutely no secrets, the world and every human living in it would have the opportunity to dissect them, or even rip them apart.(CS) Secrets and mysteries keep the world interesting.

(TS) In the book Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens, in the third chapter, writes about the secrets that “every human creature” holds within themselves. (SD) He explains that many people are like a “book”, which “shut[s] with a spring, for ever and ever, when [he] had read but a page.” (CM) I interpret that Dickens means that when people probe into the lives of another person, that person’s “book”—the personal journal that holds in it their real personality, their wishes, and their secrets(appositive)—snaps closed.(CM) The “mystery”, Dickens says, is the only thing we “shall carry [to] life’s end.” (SD) Dickens also states,“my friend…my neighbor…my love, the darling of my soul, [are] dead.”(CM) He mentions this in such a grave tone because, I believe, the character, or Dickens himself, didn’t know these people as well as he could have before they passed away. (CM) Their “book” might have closed before he could “read [the] pages”, or he might not have taken enough time to probe their personality before he lost the chance. (CS) Dickens believes that everyone has secrets, and there is no way that this cannot be true.

(TS)When Dickens speaks of mystery in a person, I think of a person wearing a pair of sunglasses. (SD) While the eyes hide behind the dark tint of the sunglasses, people on the outside may struggle to see facial expressions that display the emotions of the wearer. (CM) Moreover, the mysteries that reside in the “eyes” of a person are shielded by a barrier that bars people from seeing within. (CM) The “sunglasses” are the wall that blocks people from seeing the other side, unless the wearer decides to tear that wall down. (SD) Many people make the decision to remove their “sunglasses” every once and a while to expose their feelings and mysteries to the outside world that has been darkened by the tint of the lens.(CM) Exposing their “eyes” to the earth may, in fact, brighten up their lives.(CM) If this is not the path that they would like to take, they have the option to remain in their cocoon of secrets.(SD) On a humid, hot, and bright day, however, It is extremely hard to take off your sunglasses. (CM) in a particular social “climate” It is sometimes best to remain a mystery.(CM)  For example, when meeting new people, it would be particularly astonishing to pour your secrets out in conversation.(CS) Keeping your “sunglasses” on can be the best option at certain times, but taking off the barriers that barricade your mystery in can reveal to you a brighter world.

(TS) Every person that has lived a meaningful life on this earth has had at least one secret; at least one pair of “eyes” that are hidden from the outside world.(CM) The people that live in this “outside world” look upon your “book” of secrets and mysteries in hope of a sneak peek into who you really are. (CM) Whether or not you allow them to preview your book is a decision that determines how well you let people know you. (CS) Your mysteries and secrets define you as a “human creature” and what keep the world wondering who you really are.

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