Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Essay #3 Personification

Cooper Feltes
English 9
Mr. Salsich
September 28, 2010
              (TS)Could you imagine a world where ordinary objects spring to life? (CM) Maybe a world where at any moment, your bed could stand up and have a conversation with you, or the walls of the room you sit in animate and start discussing their favorite music. (CM)The different possible personalities that could be displayed by every day places and objects are endless. (CS) This kind of world would indubitably be whacky, but would give a different perspective of things around us.
              (TS) My room that I sit in every day to do homework could be related to an energetic monkey, climbing all over my cabinets, running all over the floor, smashing everything I own, and creating an endless array of distracting sounds. (SD) My workspace is supposed to be a great place for me to stay concentrated and get my work done.(CM) This concept is combated when I look anywhere in my room, where years of LEGOs, models, pictures, and  useless trinkets have accumulated. (CM) With the “screaming monkey” distracting me from my work, it seems as though I can’t get anything done. (SD) Distraction is not the only thing the “monkey” is a professional at. (CM) Over the course of the busy day, I leave numerous tracks to mark where I have been. (CM) Whether it be clothes on the floor or dirt running into the house from outside, the darn animal just doesn’t seem to let me look away from the many messes I leave in my workspace. (SD) The things that I break, thought, make the biggest messes in my room.(CM) Occasionally I manage to destroy a few plant pots or knock a delicate picture frame on the floor.(CM) Whether it be dropping a glass full of milk on the carpet or accidentally running into my table and knocking over the lamp, the monkey loves finding ways to inconvenience me. (CS) The energetic monkey knows how to distract me in my workspace and loves to push my buttons.

              (TS) My comforter, the warmest and coziest blanket that I have ever slept under, can closely be associated with a dog. (SD) Dogs are “man’s best friend”, but every night, the friendly nature of the pet is surpassed by the soft touch and loving fabric of my comforter. (CM) My blanket, just like a dog, is ready for me to spend time with it.(CM) Whether I had an awful day or the best day of my life, my comforter is prepared to enhance my day by giving me a great night’s sleep. (SD) On the other side of the spectrum, my cozy comforter can be extremely annoying, like an endless orchestra of barking dogs. (CM) When the great sleeping weather of winter starts to fade, to warm temperatures don’t bode well for my blankets. (CM) I often lay awake at night waiting for sleep to come and set me free from the endless “barking noise” of heat. (SD) The high temperatures are not the sole cause of my discomfort. (CM) I toss and turn at night, the extent of which could easily annoy a dog, causing him to leave the room and sleep somewhere else. (CM) With my feet kicking, the comforter can fall completely off the bed, leaving me cold and shivering, wondering where the “dog” had gone off to.(CS) Both a dog and my blanket can comfort me, annoy me, and be annoyed, but whatever happens, they will always be at my side, ready to ease my mind.


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